What Is a Spirit of Infirmity?

According to Luke 21:11, the Bible foretold that the land would be filled with pestilence, illness, and pandemics, but this is not a sign of punishment from God because our God is not wicked, for it has been written to be so. But there is hope given to us by God that this will not last forever – Rev 21:3-4. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth now get infected with illness, and they begin to possess the spirit of infirmity. If you’ve been wondering what the essence of infirmity truly means, then this article is for you.
What Is Infirmity
Infirmity is a state of sickness where one is physically or mentally weak and lacks the vitality to carry on daily tasks. It is an infectious illness that has little or no cure to it. The people affected with infirmity should be treated with empathy, compassion, love, and care as they face these challenges. This show of love and warmth will help them not to feel rejected or abandoned as they should.
Like King David in Psalms 41: 6-10, who was seriously ill – living with infirmity, his foes, and friends mistreated him in his low state, hoping that he would die. They would then enjoy sharing their unfavorable opinions with others. “A malignant disease fills his frame,” they would remark. “Now that he lies ill, he will not rise again.” Even a close friend, trusted counselor Ahithophel, turned disloyal. However, this shouldn’t be the approach given to those with infirmity to avoid isolating themselves from others.
Types of Infirmity
Infirmity can manifest in different ways;
Physical Infirmity
Chronic ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis, as well as transitory disorders such as the flu or a fractured bone, are examples of physical infirmities. These health conditions can have a substantial influence on a person’s physical ability as well as their general well-being.
Mental Infirmity
It includes a broad spectrum of diseases that influence cognition, emotions, and behavior. Depression and anxiety disorders are all examples of mental illnesses. These diseases can have a significant influence on a person’s thoughts, feelings, and relationships with others, as well as their overall quality of life.
It is essential to highlight that people’s experiences with infirmity can vary in several ways, and the influence on their lives might differ depending on the degree or development of the ailment. Medical therapies and support systems can help manage infirmities by showing love and care and not neglecting the affected ones to make them feel like they are not humans.
Spiritual Infirmity
it is a state of spiritual weakness and disability where one does not have a strong feeling for spiritual things such as constantly praying without ceasing, fasting, going to church regularly, reading the Bible, and preaching the Good News of God’s kingdom. It is a sign that one’s spiritual health is deficient and vulnerable to being attacked by the devil. In this state of spirituality, evil dreams always occur. A conscious effort to heal with the help of family and friends can help such victims regain spiritual vitality and enjoy a good fellowship and relationship with God again.
What Is a Spirit of Infirmity?
A spirit of infirmity is believed to be the spiritual force behind a person’s physical or mental ailment or weakness. This is often seen in the practice of Christianity, where ministers of God or prophets say that a person’s sickness is not ordinary but caused by some supernatural forces or being and does not focus on biological deficiency as a cause of an illness. When the Bible refers to the spirit of infirmity, it means that a disease is inflicted on a person by the demon – unclean spirit.
Is Infirmity a Sin?
No, infirmity is not a sin, and it doesn’t mean a person commits a sin to be infected with infirmity. Because infirmity is an illness that can affect anyone, both believers and non-believers. For instance, the preachers of God’s word in ancient times got infected with infirmity, and it was not counted for them that they sinned by being infected. An example is apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. He kept pleading with God thrice daily to deliver him from infirmity, and God immensely helped him because his grace was sufficient for him.
Did Jesus Cast Out the Spirit of Infirmity?
Yes, Jesus spent a large part of his ministry casting out demons and the spirit of infirmity that kept tormenting people. He dedicated his time to this as he kept preaching and teaching people about the kingdom of God, and it shows that Jesus cared about the people’s physical condition and that the spirit of infirmity that possessed these was not from God.
Furthermore, in Luke 13, Jesus cures a lady bent over for eighteen years, attributing her condition to a “spirit of infirmity.” Jesus kept traveling throughout the city of Galilee to preach the gospel and cast out the spirit of infirmity; for this reason, He was sent to the earth.
How to Be Delivered From the Spirit of Infirmity
To be delivered from the spirit of infirmity is a thing that should take conscious effort, a strong belief in God, and a faith that makes the impossibility possible. Here are a few steps to take;
Open up your heart: 2 Corinthians 3:16 encourages us to turn to the lord with an open heart to accept deliverance from our God. Likewise, Ephesians 3:17, so that Christ may dwell in our heart. Therefore, with an open heart to God to be delivered from the spirit of infirmity, our deliverance is sure.
Prayer and strong faith: In worship, we can approach God through Jesus Christ – John 14: 13-14, and God will hear our request for deliverance. Matthew 7:7 also encourages us to keep asking, and it will be given to us.
Help from family and friends: A genuine show of love, compassion, and empathy to those with infirmity can hasten the speed of their deliverance.
Positive affirmation: The words that come out of our mouths are powerful and capable of healing. Therefore, affirming positive and healing words from the Bible can deliver one from the spirit of infirmity, ushering you into a healthy life.
Will Infirmity Continue Forever?
No, infirmity will not continue forever because God promised us a bright future, where he will do away with any form of illness that will cause pain and crying – Rev 21:3,4. Infirmity is only evident in this present world of imperfection. When imperfection is done away with, everything will become perfect, and everyone will live in good condition – physically, mentally, and spiritually. 1 John 2:17 also promised that the world is passing away and its lust, but only those who believed in God will be saved.
Just like people in the bible time were struck with infirmity – an illness that was caused by an unclean spirit in today’s reality, people are infected by different infirmities, and those who made a conscious effort to seek God are healed of their ailment. Matthew 11: 28-30 encourages all loaded with a heavy load to come to God, and they will be relieved.