
Don’t Quit Praying

It is not easy to keep doing something without seeing immediate results. Does that mean you should give up? In the same way, you should not stop praying because of delayed answers. Prayer is a link to God; it draws us closer to God and strengthens our relationship with Him. It is the most intimate means of communicating with God. 

When we feel like giving up on prayer, the bible encourages us through 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, that even when it seems that reply seems slow, we should not stop praying. Even if it feels like God is not answering, don’t quit praying.

A Christian should not suddenly stop praying. Some prayers take time before they are answered, while some get answered immediately. If you have prayed, there are ways to stay diligent while waiting.

How to Remain Fervent

Most people, when they don’t get an immediate answer, their minds drift to other things; they forget to pray often; or pray without direction, or find themself repeating the same words. Hannah, desperate for a son in 1 Samuel 1, kept going to the temple to pray, year after year, for the Lord to open her womb- she did not give up until the Lord answered her prayers and she gave birth to Samuel. Also, Abraham, who received God’s promise of a son when he was seventy-five years old (Gen 12:1-3), did not have a son until he was a hundred-year-old (Genesis 21:1-5). Abraham kept serving and obeying God until he received every promise from God at the appointed time. Hezekiah, in 2 Kings 20:1-6, who was sick and told he would die, prayed to God instead of accepting the news, and his lifespan was extended.

From these examples, as christians, we need to;

Pray Continually

Never give up, continually pray, remind God of His promises to you, and at the appointed time, he is certainly going to answer your prayers. If Abraham had given up, he might not have had Isaac. The same goes for Hannah.

Be disciplined

It is okay to pray every time or when you have the urge to. However, make disciplined and conscious efforts to pray. Start by creating a schedule. This should not be an intensive task. A few minutes in the morning when you wake up and a few minutes before you go to bed is a great way to start.

Hold on to God’s word

We grow to the level of praying without ceasing when we meditate on the word of God because after reading his words, we get the urge to pray, claim his promises, and abide by his will. So, if you have a request, hold unto His words and continuously pray.

Don't Quit Praying

Remember who God is

Praying would come naturally and be easier if we remind ourselves each time who we are talking to. If you are reminded that you have the attention of the one who made all things, you will not see prayer as a mere activity. Instead, you will see it as being with God continually and gaining strength from God constantly.

Don’t Quit Praying

If you have any doubt or you feel that your prayer is not being answered, here are reasons why you should not quit;

Provides you with emotional and spiritual support: Prayer is a very reliable act that helps comfort, guide, and strengthen us. It helps us connect better with our spiritual beliefs, seek solace when faced with hard times, show gratitude, as well as find inner peace.

Praying will also give you a sense of purpose and hope. It creates a channel for communication between you and God. Prayer also serves as a form of meditation and helps you quiet your mind and reflect on your emotions and thoughts. 

When we are faced with challenges, setbacks, or uncertainty, prayer will come in as a source of encouragement and inspiration. It will provide you with both faith and resilience to persevere and overcome life’s challenges.

As a Christian, always remember that while prayer is a powerful tool, you will need to make efforts for prayer to bring about the changes you seek in life. Prayer will complete your actions, serving as your emotional and spiritual backbone.

It changes you: like in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” If God decides to answer our prayers the moment we ask, we will just pray without building a bond with Him. God loves us and wants to have a personal relationship with us. When we pray, we get closer to God, our relationship with him is strengthened, and over time our focus shifts from ourselves to God. God becomes our focus because prayer transforms us and our desires.

After overcoming a life challenge through prayer, we will notice changes in our spiritual lives. We will become better Christians overall, so when it seems like your prayer is not being answered, believe that the delay is a lesson to make you stronger. 

Prayer tries faith: Just like I stated above, delayed answers to our prayers are a way to make us stronger. Before we ask anything in prayer, God already knows our needs. This brings the question, ‘why should we still pray if God already knows our heart desires?’. Whenever we pray, we acknowledge that God is the ultimate provider. Therefore, a delayed answer teaches us to trust and wait on God and not the promised gift or answer. Just as it is written in James 1:3-4, “Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance, Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

It shows the power of God: prayer fosters peace, comfort, strength, and power even though we may not receive speedy answers to our prayers. And when we quit praying, we lose God’s blessings and works. Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Here are some verses from the bible to support 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and to help renew our spirit when we feel like giving up on prayer;


If you are trying to reach a friend on the phone but receive no response. Do you stop trying to call because you have not gotten a response? Just as in Luke 18:1-8 where Jesus told his disciples a parable that they should always pray and not give up. Keep praying; over time, praying will come naturally to you as the air you breathe. Galatians 6:9.


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