The Christian Life

What Does Mercy Mild Mean?

The phrase mercy mild is mentioned in a few Christmas carols which often revolve around the birth of Jesus in a manger and the message of the angels to the shepherds. But that is just half of the story. There is a tendency, as Christians, to fall into a routine of fulfilling the motions without taking the time to understand the deeper meanings behind our utterances.

Mercy mild is the kindness and forgiveness of God towards man, that we may be able to draw closer to him and worship him as He intends to be honored in John 4:23-24, in truth and Spirit.

As we grow more familiar with songs like this, we may no longer take the time to ponder on the deep messages contained, not just in the song as a whole but within the lines as well.

What Is Mercy & Why Is It Necessary?

As Christians, when we use the word mercy, we often mean it in a religious context. This can be giving alms or caring for the sick and poor. It can also mean to love or have compassion, as seen in Psalm 116:5. This shows us that mercy can mean different things or be interpreted differently by multiple people. One common factor, however, is that Mercy arises from God’s compassion toward us.

This is a manifestation of God’s tenderhearted nature towards us. It forms one of the basic doctrines of Christianity itself. It has made it into many sermons, ministrations, and gospel songs. Why do we sing of mercy? We sing in recognition of the glory of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. We acknowledge his grace and mercy in songs, embracing it as offered. This is important because mercy is shown in the Old and New Testaments as a strong basis of our Christian faith. Therefore, understanding and practicing it will make us feel more connected to God.

What Does Mercy Mild Mean?

In Romans 7, Paul says, “I do what I don’t want to do, and I don’t do what I want to do.” Sin is the reason for his confession here. Sin is the driver that steers man towards taking actions that are not in line with God’s will; as long as sin is still in existence, it should ordinarily be impossible for us as Christians to be sanctified.

This is where mercy comes in. So in John 3:16, the Bible states that God loved the world and gave His only begotten Son. By so doing, God declared His undying love for us and the extent of His mercy on believers.

By this, mercy mild is a phrase that refers to the quality of being merciful or kind, expressed gently or mildly. The Bible often uses mercy to describe God’s compassion, kindness, and forgiveness towards humanity.

In James 2:13, the Bible declares that judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. In this context, mercy can be considered harsh because it is based on reciprocality. But as we can see in Psalm 103:8 that: “the Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” This is the true depiction of God’s mercy towards us. A mercy that does not have to be earned or justified, prompting Paul to declare that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18)

Because many nuances are often lost in the translation, to understand mercy, we as Christians will need to consider the specific words by which mercy was described before translation to English, often in Hebrew and Greek. Here are some of those words;

Chesed – This is a Hebrew word that is often translated as “mercy,” “lovingkindness,” or “steadfast love.” It is used in the Old Testament to describe God’s compassionate and gracious nature towards humanity. For example, in Psalm 103:8, it is written, “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”

What Does Mercy Mild Mean
Eleos – This is a Greek word commonly translated as “mercy.” It is used in the New Testament to describe God’s compassionate and forgiving nature towards humanity. For example, in Luke 6:36, Jesus says, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”

Racham – is a Hebrew word often translated as “compassion” or “mercy.” It is used in the Old Testament to describe God’s tender care for his people and willingness to show compassion toward those suffering. For example, in Exodus 33:19, God declares I will have mercy on whom I will have compassion.

Oiktirmos – This is a Greek word sometimes translated as “mercy.” It is used in the New Testament to describe God’s compassion towards those in need or suffering. For example, Matthew 9:36 says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

These are just a few of the many words used in the Bible to describe the concept of mercy. One thing stands out, though; in all of this, God’s mercy is mild, much like the water of life he promised to the woman of Samaria in John 4:14.

How to Ask for God’s Mild Mercy

Asking God for mercy is a common practice in many religious traditions and is often seen as a way to seek forgiveness, redemption, and grace. Here are some steps you can follow to ask for God’s mercy:

Find a quiet and peaceful place to be alone with your thoughts and feelings. Of course, if you cannot find a quiet place to retreat, you can focus on praying from within your mind. God hears you still. (1 John 5:14)

Pray to God and acknowledge your wrongdoing. Express remorse for your actions and ask for forgiveness.

Confess your sins to God and ask for His mercy. This means accepting one’s sins and asking for God’s forgiveness. As Christians, confessing our sins to God helps restore our relationship with Him and opens the door to His mercy. (1 John 1:9, James 5:16)

Commit to changing your ways and living a more virtuous life. As Paul asks in Romans 6:2, shall we continue to live in sin that grace may abound?

Praying the Lord’s Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer, also known as the “Our Father” prayer, is central to Christianity, and it includes a request for God’s forgiveness and mercy. You can read it in Matthew 6:9-13.

Using the Psalms: This book in the Bible contains many prayers and songs that show how to ask for God’s mercy and protection.

Reading and meditating on scriptures: The Bible contains numerous verses about God’s mercy and love. Reading and meditating on these verses can help increase one’s faith and deepen their understanding of God’s character.

Fasting: Fasting is often seen as a way of humbling ourselves and disciplining our flesh to serve our spiritual needs better. Luke 5:33-34 shows Jesus expects us to fast.


In conclusion, mercy mild refers to a gentle, kind expression of compassion from God to the people of the Earth as opposed to a harsh, severe type of mercy. Throughout the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New, there are traces of this being a primary aspect of God’s nature. Christians can specifically ask for God’s mild mercy if we do it correctly. Let us always acknowledge God’s mercy in a way that glorifies His Name.


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