Knowing God

What Is Gods Business?

Children of God should fully engage in God’s business on earth to bring down the devil’s kingdom. His followers accomplish God’s objectives through his kingdom business, which is conducted in God’s manner. Only born-again Christians are permitted to run God’s business, and those operations must be run following the rules of the King as laid out in the Bible. However, the goods and services must have the King’s approval; no sinful goods are allowed.

Jesus urged us to put the Kingdom of God first. Seeking the Kingdom includes prioritizing God’s work in our lives. What, then, is God’s business?

God’s business on earth is to ensure that everyone receives eternal life, and He established this mission by sending His one and only son to die to atone for our sins (John 3:16-17).

Building God’s Kingdom is in connection to everything we are accountable for. Give it your all if you are a church custodian or a leader. God’s business comes first! In actuality, taking part in God’s work is a privilege. When we think about the things of God, we need to modify our mindset.

For instance, sometimes it is so easy for most of us to put God’s things off until the very last moment, but this is the wrong course of action. Since we are only temporary residents of this planet, it makes no sense to prioritize earthly investments when an eternal home awaits us. Put all of your heart, spirit, and thought into anything you do for God, and store up those everlasting treasures. 

Our purpose 

Everything on earth, seen and unseen, was made by God, and as a result, everything is his domain. God made us in His image; thus, we can decide how we will handle His works here on earth. However, there is only one option for us. We have a choice as to whether or not we will follow God, be loyal to Him, live by His will, and let the Holy Spirit live through us. Unfortunately, Adam, God’s first administrator on earth, disobeyed God after being misled by Satan in the Garden of Eden.

The transgression of Adam and Eve led human beings to be cut off from God and gave Satan access to inhabit humankind. When God paid the ultimate price by offering up His own Son as a sacrifice, He drove Satan out and redeemed us from The Wicked One. “You were bought at a price,” says 1 Corinthians 7:23.

Being bought is significant because it means that someone else now owns us. Jesus Christ had to be crucified to pay the price for us. God is still in charge and does own us, but we still have a choice as to whether or not to serve Him.

God will hold us responsible for our decisions while we are on earth. He will hold us responsible for what we are expected to maintain and care for. Accounting sheets are used by businesses to assess their financial status quickly. Debits and credits are balanced against each other on the accounting sheet.

A debit is an outgoing transaction, whereas a credit is an incoming one. Let’s translate that into practical terms by envisioning God as our employer and holding us accountable. Credits represent righteousness, while debits are sins. What we experience after we die will rely on how conscientious we are. God will examine our debits and credits—our sin and our righteousness—after our time on earth. 

What Is Gods Business?

The goal of Christianity in the modern world has long since been forgotten. Every day when we awaken, our only concern is how to take care of our basic requirements like food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities while ignoring the very reason we are still existing on this planet.

What Is Gods Business

We are on a mission to fulfill God’s purpose, not ours. It is why Jesus instructs us to seek first the kingdom of heaven in Matthew 6:33. Going to school, working, and other life stresses all revolve around meeting our basic requirements. I’m not suggesting we should quit working, going to school, or doing other things we do every day; instead, I’m saying we should devote as much time and resources as possible—if not more—to the reason we’re here in the first place. 

God’s business is the reason we are here on earth. Many people have yet to learn about God’s extraordinary deed of letting His son die to redeem us. You ought to be baptized to be a part of his kingdom. God’s business now becomes yours at this point. In Matthew 28:19–20, Christ commands us to go into the world, baptize all, teach them, and then instruct them to keep all of His commandments. Our mission is to complete the goal of soul-saving on earth.

When we give our occupations on this earth our all, they reward us, and the same is true of God’s business. God promises to satisfy our needs and desires when we make His business our business by devoting our efforts and whatever would help His business prosper. We can vouch for what God claims to do. He is requesting your assistance to expand His business here on earth, and He will undoubtedly reward you. The question now is, what can you do to help Christ continue to grow and prosper on earth above all other businesses? One of them is to help bring back lost souls to him. 

Qualities of employees in God’s business 

Here are several blatant traits of our role model employer—Jesus—that we desire to imitate:

  • Obedience

No matter what, we carry out our duties. We also always keep in mind who we are serving. Yes, in a way, we are the bosses, but we also have a superior over us to whom we must answer. God is that person. 

  • Loyalty 

Even though other businesses exist, we never quit. Keep in mind that Satan is the manager of the other company. “Hey, why don’t you come work for me?” he asks as he approaches us repeatedly. He tries to lure us into working for him. So let’s be cautious.

  • A Good Attitude

We also want to exemplify a servant’s attitude. Our role model employer, Jesus, never once expressed dissatisfaction with the tasks God offered to him. He was given several challenging missions to complete. Although he didn’t deserve to die, he was made to die on the cross for our sins. These are some crucial points to keep in mind regarding Jesus, our role model employer. We are sincere in working for our Maker and not for ourselves, and we want to remain faithful to our maker.

  • Humility

We are not arrogant about the work we do. We also don’t boast about our accomplishments or exclaim, “Look at me, I’ve achieved a lot.” The only things we are confident of being that “We’re doing a tremendous job for the glory of our employer” and “We’re genuinely glad to be able to do it for our Master.” It is for my God, not for my benefit.


We now clearly understand what is required of us in God’s business. The most crucial step when beginning a new profession is training. We can learn how to get along with God and operate in his massive business through its fantastic training program.

God will then be able to assign our tasks to us and send us on our journey. God doesn’t merely slam us with instructions or demand that we immediately memorize the full employee manual on the first day. He bestows us with the Holy Spirit, who guides us daily as we navigate life. The Spirit’s primary responsibility is to help us distinguish between good and evil.

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