Knowing God

What Is the Spiritual Root of Confusion?

It is easy to view confusion as a normal occurrence because of how regularly it happens in our lives. Often we get to certain points in life where we seem to have no clue about various things. The truth is that we should not easily dismiss anyone’s life because of its spiritual origin. It does not just happen as we ordinarily think; rather, it stems from activities in the spirit realm and is caused by spiritual entities.

The spiritual root of confusion in people’s lives is the Devil, as he has no truth within him. The Devil uses confusion as a weapon to make you feel uncertain about God’s purpose for your life or lose passion for spiritual things. Understanding how confusion is designed to work against you will give you an upper hand even as you journey in life.

Why Does Confusion Exist?

What Is the Spiritual Root of Confusion

Have you ever wondered why you get confused about major areas at certain times ever considered why decision-making seems so hard? Even though we often believe that everything in life exists for a reason and purpose, we should also understand that confusion is not God’s design for our lives. God is an entity of order who carries out His activities orderly. In Genesis 1&2, we see how orderly the world and all that is in it came into existence by God’s hands, thus establishing God’s emphasis on order.

What purpose does confusion now serve in our world today? Confusion in life is a sign of life outside the will and plan of God. It is also a sign of a life outside the authority of God and an indication of the Devil’s impact on a person’s life. Once you realize that you constantly lack clarity about given situations, confusion sets in, thus meaning that your life is open to evil spiritual influences.

What Is the Spiritual Root of Confusion?

Confusion does not simply occur; actions of evil spiritual powers in the spirit realm cause it. Demons study human behaviors and notice subtle changes in our thought patterns and mindsets. Once they read through your thoughts and notice a shift or change in your faith level, they quickly begin to work on distracting you, which comes in the form of confusion. Slowly and steadily, they inject confusion into your mind and thus slow you down in life.

Also, a person’s confusion can result from sins committed by the person. Sin takes you away from God and removes your focus from Him. In Habakkuk 1:13, the Bible states that God is of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look on iniquity. So once sin gets us far from God, the spirit of confusion comes in as we are no longer focused on God. Since one is far from God, it then becomes harder to trust God and easier to put faith in man, making such a person easy prey for confusion.

Your poor knowledge of God can also be the reason for so much confusion in your life as you do not know His promises, nor are you guided by the truths in His Word. Without God’s word, it is almost impossible to hear from God and discern His voice. Since knowing His word is imperative to knowing and doing His will, a lack of knowledge will make you unable to do His will or please Him, leaving your life in control of other spiritual powers.

Finally, neglecting or refusing to ask for God’s wisdom in different situations will leave you confused and frustrated. Such is possible because God is our creator; according to the Bible, He knows all and even the end from the beginning. Keeping Him away from your decisions is a subtle declaration that you do not need His wisdom to go through life, which is a recipe for confusion. God does not want you to always depend only on your wisdom in life.

How to Overcome Confusion

It is not God’s will for you to be confused. Sadly, it is a reality that we all have to deal with at one point or another. However, overcoming confusion is possible and equally necessary if we must fulfill God’s will for our lives. Here are a few steps to take to overcome confusion in your life:

  • Find out the main cause of the confusion

Even though the spirit of confusion comes from the Devil, it could be attracted either because of your ignorance of God’s word, sinful lifestyle, inability to hear from God concerning a matter, or as a demonic projection. The first step in overcoming confusion is to recognize the root cause of the confusion you are experiencing at the given time.

  • Deal with the spirit of confusion

Confusion is a spirit that influences your mind to cause ruin in your life. To restrict it from controlling your life, you have to fight it. You can do this by inviting the peace of God and fixing your gaze on Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

So whenever you begin to sense confusion rising within you, quickly rebuke it and fix your mind on Christ.

  • Hold on to the truth in God’s word

This is why your knowledge of God’s word is important. In John 8:32, Jesus emphasized the importance of the truth by stating: ” And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”  You find this truth in the Bible, and so without the knowledge of the Bible, you cannot stand on the truth when Satan, the father of lies, presents his lies to you. To overcome confusion, you should know the truth, embrace it and speak it into your life. Also, focus on thoughts that align with God’s promises and word to strengthen your faith in God and offer you clarity.

  • Communicate with God through prayers

Praying is one simple means to reach God and an easy way to avoid confusion. Making prayers to God indicates that you recognize His importance and authority in your life, and so it becomes easy for His will and plans for your life to be revealed. Finally, through prayers, you can request the wisdom of God whenever you are in certain situations, so you don’t have to depend on your knowledge alone. As long as you are willing to ask, God is always ready to give you wisdom and help you scale through life issues. All you need to access the wisdom of God is to ask, and you will surely receive.

Final Thoughts

The fact that we are humans makes it easy and natural for us to have moments and days of confusion. However, you must understand that being confused is not the plan or design of God, as He is not the author of confusion. It is just how the Devil wants to distract you and keep you from living a purposeful life. Living a life without confusion is possible. It begins with finding the source of confusion, resisting the spirit of confusion, knowing and holding on to God’s truth, and having a good relationship with God.


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Boniface Benedict

I am a Devoted Christian who is dedicated to living out the teachings of Christ. I am passionate about spreading God's love and grace. Having seen life in various perspectives, I am actively involved in church community, serving others with kindness and compassion. I am committed to prayer, Bible study, and fostering a deep relationship with God. I strive to reflect Christ's light in all aspects of life.

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