Knowing God

What is The Gift of Spiritual Eyes? 

How Does The Gift of Spiritual Eyes Come About?

Just as we need to see physically to carry out several activities, we also have to see and know things spiritually to live a balanced life, as many things that happen physically are reflections of spiritual exercises. Beyond the mere words you hear and events that occur, there are hidden truths you cannot know or have access to with the gift of spiritual eyes.

The gift of spiritual eyes is the power to see beyond this physical plane and realm and into spiritual realities. This gift offers Christians insight and knowledge beyond the physical and natural worlds. Interestingly, the place of the gift of spiritual eyes in the lives of Christians is vital, as even our Christian faith transcends what we can physically see or interact with. 

The Bible declares in John 4:23-24 that those who worship God must do so in truth and spirit since God is a spirit, and such is impossible if we remain blinded to spiritual realities and truths. Therefore, the gift of spiritual eyes is an essential instrument every believer should possess to live a fulfilling Christian life

How Does The Gift of Spiritual Eyes Come About? 

Several mentions of spiritual eyes are littered across the Bible and found from Genesis to Revelation. One such is Genesis 3, which talks about Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. The Bible recorded that their eyes were open once they ate the fruit, and they knew they were naked. So even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they still had their spiritual eyes open, thus depicting that the gift of spiritual eyes comes from God. To this end, we see the intricate relationship between sight, knowing, and understanding. In very simple terms, it takes seeing to understand and grasp spiritual truths fully. 

Also, in Job 42:5, Job declares, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: But now mine eye seeth thee.” From this verse, we can understand that spiritual eyes open a Christian’s perception of God and offer a much deeper and more intimate understanding of His nature. Moving on to the New Testament, Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians prayer that: “the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints” (Eph 1:18). From this, we can learn that having spiritual sight not only grants us a better understanding of God and His nature; it also gives us knowledge of our authority and blessings in Him. 

What is The Gift of Spiritual Eyes? 

The gift of spiritual eyes is one of the links between our human mind and the spirit realm. It goes beyond our understanding of the natural world and the physical realm, thus allowing Christians to gain access to spiritual knowledge and insights. Not only are we privy to spiritual realities through our spiritual eyes, but it also helps us to discern the works of darkness and see through every guise of the wicked ones. Thus, living without this gift will result in a challenging Christian life. 

One beautiful thing about spiritual eyes is that they are closely linked to faith and trust in God. Jesus, in Matthew 13:16-17, admonishes his disciples on their blessings because they see and hear. The sight here is not physical, as He pointed out that many people in time past have wished and hoped to see spiritually. Interestingly, we also learn from this verse that spiritual eyes are indeed a gift given by God and not attracted by any act of piety or godly human actions. 

What is The Gift of Spiritual Eyes

Since spiritual eyes offer knowledge beyond human wisdom, it is also not humanly given. It is a gift that God gives that manifests in the life of every believer through the Holy Spirit. With this gift present in your life, spiritual truths become easy to understand as we now can see the world and all in it from the mind and standpoint of God. Seeing God will help us fit into His plan and readily walk in His purpose for our lives. 

Finally, spiritual eyes are a gift meant not only for us as Christians but also for the Church as a whole. Paul, in Revelations 3:18, wrote to the Laodicean church, commanding them to anoint their eyes with a salve that they might see. So a church with open and functional spiritual eyes will easily align with God’s desires and wishes. 

What Are The Benefits of Spiritual Eyes? 

Spiritual eyes are an added advantage to Christians, allowing for knowledge and understanding beyond this physical world. As such, there are various benefits of this gift in your life. Some of them are: 

  • See the world like God. 

The Bible declares in Psalm 82:6 that we are gods, even as children of God. However, for us to live like God and be what He wants us to be, we must first see what He sees. With spiritual eyes, we can glance through the eyes of God and be exposed to the activities and realities in the realm of the spirit. As a result, we can recognize and discern between good and evil and overcome the world of darkness. Spiritual eyes also help us understand the plans of certain spiritual forces against our lives, making it possible for us to counter such scenarios. 

  • It brings wisdom and discernment

Walking with God can be tricky and challenging, but spiritual eyes give us the wisdom to understand and trust God while interacting with spiritual laws and terrains. Once we can see spiritually, God’s plan and path for our lives becomes clear, so it is easy to follow and trust Him. Also, spiritual eyes bring discernment which helps us overcome obstacles and put our best foot forward in delicate situations. 

  • Grow in God 

One simple way to grow in our relationship with God is through the gift of spiritual eyes. John 4:23-24 points out that true worship to God is done in spirit and truth. With spiritual eyes, worshipping God in spirit and truth becomes possible, and we connect to Him more intimately. The higher we go in God, the better we understand His nature and character and live in His will. 

  • Understand God’s plans and purposes 

God’s ways and works are higher than ours, so we cannot know or see all of what He is doing with our physical eyes. However, when we see spiritually, we glimpse God’s plans and paths for our lives and see what He does every season. It also gives us directions and allows us to follow God’s lead. 

  • It gives peace and contentment

A form of peace and contentment comes with knowing spiritual things; spiritual eyes can give this knowledge. Our spiritual eyes allow us to see God working in our lives and understand other spiritual workings, thus bringing a sense of assurance in His plan and ways. Even in trying and difficult, we can trust in Him and His plans because we have insight into the spirit through our eyes.

How Can One Get The Gift of Spiritual Eyes? 

Even though spiritual eyes are important in every Christian’s life, they automatically do not come at salvation; it is given as the Christian continues on the heavenly journey. Quite importantly, this gift is not earned or attracted through human efforts. It is freely given to God, who cannot be coerced, deceived, or manipulated. 

One simple way to receive this gift, therefore, is to ask. Jesus in Matthew 7:7 tells us to ask, and we shall receive, so we just need to ask God to open our eyes to the spiritual realities and truths. We can also ask for understanding, wisdom, and the perception of the spiritual realm. Also, the revelation of God comes for a purpose; obedience. So if you desire to see spiritually, you must always be obedient to God. 

Moreover, seeing into the spirit realm is possible through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to yield and be open to the Holy Spirit for the gift of spiritual eyes to be active in your life. The more you surrender to the Holy Spirit, the easier you align with Him and, in turn, spiritual truths. Finally, you can receive spiritual sight by engaging in spiritual activities like prayer, fasting, Bible study, and worship. All of these activities draw you closer to God, which makes Him willing to share spiritual truths and realities with you.

Final Words 

The place of the gift of spiritual eyes in the life of a Christian is a vital one as it bridges the gap between the physical realm and the spiritual world. In addition, it brings peace and contentment, wisdom and discernment, and an understanding of God’s plans to every Christian. It also helped the believer to grow in God and see things like God, thus leading to a fulfilling Christian life. 

This gift is, however, not earned but received by making a request, yielding to the Holy Spirit, and carrying out spiritual activities like fasting and praying. When we can see spiritually, we become better Christians as we are closer to God. 


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