What Are The 3 P’s of Salvation?
The experience of salvation influences how people, especially Christians, define or understand it. A simple explanation of salvation is, saving a person from destruction. For Christians, we are saved by the one who loves us dearly and gave himself as the ultimate sacrifice for the atonement of our sins; Jesus.
It is necessary to recognize what I’ll call the 3 Ps of Salvation to understand this concept. They are principles with scriptural backing to help you gain more insight into the meaning and process of receiving salvation. With the help of the holy spirit, I have carefully crafted this article to give you a smooth journey into the concept of salvation.
Biblical Meaning of Salvation
The best way to arrive at a perfect definition of salvation is to understand it from the scriptural point of view. Using Ephesians 2:8-9, we’ll outline three interesting facts about getting saved.
Ephesians 2:8-9 ” For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works so that no one can boast.”
1. We Are Saved by Grace
The first thing the bible tells us about this concept is that we receive it by grace. We are incapable of saving ourselves from destruction or the power of sin as humans. The only one capable enough to come to our rescue is the almighty God through his son Jesus.
Jesus came to save the lost, not the perfect. He came for us in our lowest state, not in our strength or perfection. We did literally nothing to earn salvation. Jesus paid it all!
Grace itself is a favor that we don’t deserve. No one on earth, including you and I, is worthy of God’s love, but we receive this inexhaustible love by grace. Despite our sinful nature, God, in his mercies, still makes a way out for us and gives us power over sin.
2. We Are Saved Through Faith
Faith is a strong belief and hopes in something yet to be visible (Hebrews 1:8). Interestingly, Salvation comes from a place of trust. Many of us who are born again haven’t seen Jesus physically, but the testimonies of the apostles of old and mentors around us spurred our faith in Christ.
After hearing the gospel of Christ, it is left to us to receive it by faith through the belief that Jesus is the son of God. In John 1:2, we are to understand that God gives the power to be born again to many that believe in his sovereignty. Our faith in God can deliver us from eternal damnation or spiritual death that comes from sin (John 3:16).
Faith is the pass that sets us on the journey to deliverance and righteousness. It is a requirement for every believer because, without faith, it is impossible to impress God. Having in-depth trust in Christ will guide us through the Christian race and help us stand firm in times of trials.
3. Salvation is a Gift
This is what I love about Salvation. It is one of God’s numerous gifts to humanity. You don’t have to pay or beg for a gift; it is made readily available, just waiting for you to receive it. However, this gift has been fully paid for by Jesus. He paid the ultimate price by bearing upon himself our sins and nailing them to the cross. He was a ransom for our already lost souls (Mark 10:15).
This is why the unsaved need to recognize the need to be born again. By recognizing the need for Salvation, you can exercise faith strong enough to receive this beautiful gift by grace.
I’ll like to stress further by stating that we do not earn this gift by our works or efforts but simply by the loving grace of God.
What Are The 3 P’s of Salvation
Knowing these principles will guide you into a broader perspective of what salvation entails.
1. Salvation is a Process
Contrary to what many believe, salvation is a lifelong process involving three steps; Justification, sanctification, and glorification. It is a continuous process that requires the soul, body, and spirit.
When we give our lives to Christ, the only thing that changes instantly is our spirit. This change is a result of the transaction in the spirit realm; our spirit man has been bought from the power of sin, destruction, and death. This is known as Justification.
After the instant spiritual newness, there is a battle between the new inner man and our soul and body. The process of putting the flesh under subjection and submitting our natural intelligence to the will of God is a lifelong process known as sanctification. This process is hard work. Our knowledge of sin, emotions, and fleshy desires begin to wage war against our newfound freedom.
The scripture implores us to guard our salvation diligently because it can be lost if we carelessly give ourselves to sin. Philippians 2: 12 says we should “work out” our salvation. This vividly proves that reaching the peak of salvation requires personal effort.
You might ask yourself, what personal effort do I need to put into achieving sanctification? You must first understand that sanctification involves every act put into growing spiritually.
To grow in the spirit, you must strive to become like Jesus and establish a beautiful relationship with God. Like Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 4:7-8, we are to diligently seek after godliness which will finally bring us to the third step in salvation; Glorification. Glorification is what we attain when we die or rapture with the saints. It is a promise of eternity with Christ in heaven.
Furthermore, to achieve sanctification, you must exercise discipline. This discipline cuts across every area of our lives; our thoughts, speech, prayer life, and the study of the word of God. We must be equipped with accurate knowledge of the word of God (2 Timothy 2:15) and love God wholeheartedly.
2. Salvation is Powerful
I believe strongly that salvation itself is an embodiment of God’s power. It takes power to save one from eternal destruction, sin, and hell. Another great thing about this power is that it lasts for generations.
The gospel of Christ that offers this gift is powerful to save, deliver, heal, vindicate, and transform (Hebrews 4:12, Psalms 107:20). From the fall of man in Genesis; the devil gained legal ground over man’s earthly dominion. Gaining freedom could not be achieved from a mere physical duel. It would require a great sacrifice to connect us back to our creator.
With Jesus offering himself as a ransom for our souls, the power of salvation is made available in the lives of those willing to accept this gift.
3. Salvation is Personal
The process of salvation is a personal one. It revolves around you alone; your faith, will, discipline, and love of God. It is independent of the thoughts or opinions of others. In the same way, we all came to this world individually into different families; we attain salvation individually.
Although, we do need the help of others at one point in our lives regarding growing spiritually.
When we face a stumbling block or become confused about something, we can consult others in the faith for guidance.
In the long run, when we finally approach the judgment seat of Christ, we will have to defend ourselves alone. Everyone will receive judgment individually regardless of gender, age, race, and social status.
Steps to Receive Salvation
Step 1: Be Open to The Gospel of Salvation
The first step is to have an encounter with the word of God. Faith, with reference to the scripture, comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). Through the word, you can permit the holy spirit to begin the process of salvation in your heart.
Step 2: Believe The Word
Believing the word means believing in Jesus (John 1:1). You can only become saved through your faith and trust that Jesus is the son of God (John 3:16).
Step 3: Confess Your Sins
To confess your sins, you must acknowledge your sinful nature before God. Acknowledge your weaknesses and excesses, put away your pride, and realize that you’re nothing outside the mercy of God. It is written in 1 John 1:9;
“But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.”
Step 4: Repent Your Sins
Repentance is ideal for receiving salvation. To repent, you must genuinely do away with anything contrary to God’s instructions. You must be willing to go on a journey of total obedience to his will. (Luke 15:7)
Step 5: Focus on the Goal
The goal for every child of God is to make heaven. Focusing on this goal involves actively pursuing after God through daily meditation of the scripture and praying both in understanding and in the holy spirit. We should also endeavor to share this powerful gospel of salvation with the lost around us. Don’t be selfish with the truth you now know.
Final Thoughts
Salvation is broader than you can imagine. It is deep, and sometimes you might need to personally ask God with the help of the holy spirit to explain what salvation truly entails. Salvation is a continuous process of Justification, sanctification, and glorification. It is a powerful gift of God made available to those willing to receive it.